Thursday, May 31, 2007

Big day tomorrow! EEEEEK!

Hi Everyone! Its been a long time between blogs, I have been really busy with work and other stuff getting ready for my big day tomorrow!! As most of you probably know (or have read) I'm having my operation tomorrow!! =D ITS EXCITING! SOOO I would leave a blog today seeing as I wont be blogging for a couple of weeks or more...
Not really much to say I must admit! I do want to say that I feel privileged to have such great family and friends looking out for me!! I want to thank all those that are praying for me =) I also want to thank those that are just thinking of me. I didn't realise how many friends I actually had! I don't want to sound big headed or anything, But so many people have said that they'll come visit me in hospital or at home when I'm out! hehe I feel really special!!
So the big day is tomorrow! Its come around so fast! I think I have pretty much worked nearly everyday since I found out the date just to keep myself busy in order not to think to much about it all! Also because I wont be earning any money for the entire time I'm off work so yea!! that was my boss excuse to get me to work hahaha! 'Amy you'll need the money, work for me tomorrow?' I'm still not nervous, everyone keeps asking but i don't think the nerves will hit until I need to sleep tonight! I pray the nerves don't hit at all! that would be awesome!
I went out last Saturday night, It was my last weekend out for awhile! For dinner Aaron and I went to the Werribee youth 'Dinner with the boys/girls' Pete Stamp organised it and it was very well done! There are so many new youth there now!! Its amazing I hardly knew anyone there which I think is a good thing because it means God is bringing in new youth to werribee!! PRAISE GOD!! After dinner I went and met some friends in the city at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow Pub! It was pretty good, must admit not as much fun as dinner though!!
Hmmm I think that is pretty much all my news for now! Hope all is going well in your lives, MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL! and Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

Lieutenant Jo said...

Hey Amy, praying that everything is going well and that the operation was a huge success (all Glory to God!!!).

Sorry I can't visit, I'm at a conference from tonight, but I send my love (and Pete's). Know thet we'll keep praying for you...

Keep praising God and stay passionate.. love ya!