Friday, April 20, 2007

Been a rather interesting, busy week for a change..

Good Afternoon readers!! How is everyone?? You can probably tell I'm a little bit Hyper right now ,hehe, too much Chocolate maybe? but OH WELL its good for you I say! =P
This week has been quite the interesting week, and quite busy! Which is quite abnormal for me lately, but its been GOOD!
Sunday night, I went to church in Thornbury. Aaron was speaking so I went to support him! He did an excellent job! and YES GOD IS ABLE!!
  • God is able to save unto to the uttermost!!
  • God is able to transform lives
  • God is able to keep us from falling!!!
  • and finally God is able to keep promises! WOO! exciting stuff!!

(see Aaron i remembered, AND I didn't cheat... much hehe!)

Monday, hmm cant really remember much except I worked. Oh wait yes I do! Monday afternoon I was reading through peoples blogs, catching up on what I hadn't read etc. AND I noticed the Commissioner had replied to one of my comments saying MY previous blog was INSPIRATIONAL! haha I was sooo EXCITED!!! hehe!! I was like WOW the Commissioner had actually found time to read my blog!! WOO! (Thanks Commissioner!! it meant a lot =D) After finding this, I HAD to ring my dad!! hehe!
So Dad decided to have a look at this "Inspirational" blog and left me a comment saying "grace is a good thing" I wasn't too sure what this meant so I messaged him and asked. He told me to do a word study on it and get back to him. (Which I'm in the middle of doing, So when I'm done that will be my next blog)
Tuesday, However. was probably the most interesting day for me so I shall explain.
  • I awoke at 6am I had to start work at 7.30am, a first for me in a VERY long time. (I hadn't been up before 9am in who knows how long, let alone at work by 7.30! haha)
  • I finished work at 11am, planning to go back home to sleep, hehe. BUT unfortunately on my way home I experienced my first ever flat tyre! haha WOO! (NOT!) I was driving home, and coming up to the roundabout on Millers and Kororoit Creek Roads (those who know Altona will know where I mean).
  • I was driving round the roundabout and I kinda slid a bit.. didn't think much of it really until the car next to me *beeeeeeeped* and pointed at my back tyre, seeing as I was almost home I managed to drive home without any problem. Upon getting home I looked at my back left tyre, and sure enough! it was EXTREMELY FLAT! haha!
  • So I went inside and informed Grandpa. He went outside to have a look.
  • While he was outside, the phone rang! It was my dear Mummy, she was ringing to tell me that the Doctor who did my brother James' Surgery had rung her and asked if she would be able to make an appointment for me to see him! We had been praying that this would happen because If he decides to do the surgery, it would mean I wouldn't have to transfer to an Adults hospital, and I would get to have the surgery at the Children's Hospital, where my specialist is! So this has been pretty exciting! a real answer to prayer! So now we gotta keep praying that He will decide to do my surgery!
  • That afternoon, Grandpa and I changed my tyre, we found that it had been punctured with a flat piece of metal 1.5cm long and with my luck, had managed to run my tyre over while it was facing upwards! haha!
  • We booked in my car for new tyres, and to have the much overdue service on Wednesday.
  • That night was Bible Study! I have been really enjoying Bible Study. Its been really good to be around people my own age chatting and discussing our thoughts on God and the bible.
  • Tuesday night was Mandy's turn, she gave us all the spiritual gifts test to do! I hadn't really done one properly before so was quite intrigued as to what the results might be. I found out I have the gift of faith, followed by the gift of missionary, then Helps/service and then Poverty (voluntary)

When I found out about my gift of faith, It made quite a lot of sense to me. I've always had a strong faith I think, whenever something has happened I always thought that God knew what he was doing and He was always out there looking out for us. God is ALWAYS looking out for us he never lets things get too much for us to handle! I remember when I was little, mum and dad had just finished corps councils in Kaniva and everyone was leaving, when my new little Kitten decided to run out as everyone was leaving. It was pretty late at night, I was in bed, and seeing as Sarah was a black cat, mum and dad had no hope finding her in the dark. So they went to bed worrying and trying to figure out how they would tell me my cat had run away. Then next morning when they told me I was like 'Don't worry Mum, Jesus will bring her back!' mum had her doubts but sure enough that night Jesus did bring her back! and she has gone missing quite a few times since then and Jesus has always brought her back safe and sound. hehe! There have been many more times since then, where I believed that God was looking out for us, and although the situations weren't all good I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and God knows what he is doing. Some people say that its the power of positive thinking, that maybe so. BUT its also the power of having faith in God!

Wednesday was pretty uneventful, I got my new tyres and my car serviced! that was exciting! I also worked again, they called me in.. funny because I had just dropped my car off to be done, came out thinking now I owe Grandpa this money I'll have to work my butt off, and get some more shifts at Coles when hey presto! I get called in! haha! WOO!

That's pretty much it for this week.. yesterday was pretty boring, worked again (WOO!) and today hasn't been to exciting. I had my eyes tested. Found out I'm only minorly (is that a word? because the optometrist used it) short-sighted so don't NEED glasses unless it starts to bother me WOOOOOO!!! Grandpa also had a look over my car (as he does) and has noticed that there is a nut missing. NOW he wont let me drive it LOL! I don't know what it is this nut does but he wont let me drive it until it is replaced, and that wont be until next Thursday when the timing belt gets done! SO I'm car-less till then and will have to drive Grandpas car around ERGH!

Stay tuned for next week, when I hopefully will have finished my word study on 'grace' and I'll fill you all in on what I have learnt!

Love and God Bless!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I've 'changed'

Last night one of my good friends told me that I had changed, we caught up a few weeks ago after not seeing each other since new years. and last night we were chatting when out of nowhere he says 'you've changed' I was like huh?!

I mean I've thought I'd changed a bit, I was actually thinking about it the other day, but it was interesting to find out that it was noticable! Apparently my style has changed, I dress less 'emo' hahaha! which I agreed with! My style in music has changed, which to me hasn't too much because I've always been pretty open when it comes to music! I've also apparently become a lot nicer! haha I thought that was funny because Ive always been nice! hehe =P These things were all good things he said. But then he said there was a bad thing... He said I've become more religious. This I know is true, as you have read in recent blogs I have become closer to God and more outspoken about being a christian, this is what I thought, when I was thinking about how I had changed. I dont see this change as a bad thing though...

My friend is agnostic, he says that all religions are 'fictional'. When I asked why me being more religious was a bad thing he replied that 'it can turn people off you' I can see what he means by it, some non-believers see christians as 'different', people they have to tread carefully with. I experienced this a lot when I moved to Melbourne, and my friends found out dad worked with the Salvos and that I went to church. At first they saw me as the 'innocent one' or 'good girl', that if I said or did something that was 'bad' they would be shocked! They also tried not to swear around me (which was good, I can't stand swearing!!) But soon enough they realised that I really wasnt that different to them, the only thing was that I believed in God and they didn't and we left it at that.

By becoming a more outspoken christian I feel I've become a much happier person and as I was told 'much nicer'!! I dont think this is because my choice in clothes and music has changed, I would say its because of God! and now that I have become more open about my faith, I find it kinda disappointing when my friends see my beliefs as a bad thing. I may not be able to change my friends opinions on God (I pray that I do!) but I think that if people are 'turned off me' because of my beliefs then maybe they weren't the good friend I first thought..

To all those that think I've changed,
I may be more stylish in clothes, and have a 'better' taste in music than 6 months ago. BUT I have always been and always will be a Christian and if people dont like that, then all I can say is 'Im praying for you!'

Love and God Bless